September 2024
We are currently looking for artwork to feature on our website starting October 1st, so if you have anything that might be suitable, and have not yet sent us a link to your online portfolio, now would be a great time! See here for details. Please keep in mind that, as this is being used for the banner at the top of our landing page, it needs to be wider horizontally than vertically. We get a lot of portfolios where every image is in portrait mode--suitable for the front cover of a book, but not what we're looking for right now. Square images don't work for us either. A few other things to keep in mind. Christian themes are welcome but not required in art submissions, but they do need to be subtle. Speculative fiction content is required, however. People keep sending us portfolios that consist entirely of portrait or landscape photography. While many of these represent excellent work, we can't use them as header images for an online science fiction and fantasy magazine. If