Arisia schedules

As promised in Monday's post, here's Kristin's and Donald's schedule for Arisia, January 18th-21st.

Kristin's Schedule

Writing the Unseen: The Supernatural in Fiction (Friday, 10 pm, Cabot)
Magic is a large part of what makes the fantasy genre distinctive. How do you write, and describe, the occult? Our panel of supernatural aficionados will offer suggestions for building fictional magical system, discussing the usefulness of developing 'rules of magic,' but also what things make magic feel genuinely different from science and faith within a fictional world.

Where's Our Fromance? (Saturday, 8:30 pm, Whittier)
Close friendships between men are often celebrated on page and on screen. But where in fiction are the supportive platonic female friendships and friend groups that many women have in real life? We'll talk about why these relationship are not prioritized by storywriters, where stories have dropped the ball on portraying friendships between women, and where they've excelled.

Litfic for SFF Fans (Sunday, 10 am, Cambridge)
Literary Fiction and SFF don't have to be at odds! Just as each genre book that comes out can appeal to or put off SFF readers, there are swaths of choices within the wide-ranging world of litfic. Join panelists as they discuss their favorite literary fiction, and as they point out works that could also be categorized as "genre."

What We DIDN'T Steal From Tolkien (Sunday, 5:30 pm, Franklin)
Tolkien, for all his flaws, did things in his work that revolutionized the literary landscape, yet so many of the deep, interesting, and nuanced aspects of his writing get overlooked in favor of the things at the surface level--the things that became trope-namers or cliches of the genre, the ways he influenced authors who came after. But what parts of Tolkien have been overlooked? What did he do that was worthwhile, yet which modern fantasy authors haven't emulated?

Talking About the Business of Writing (Sunday, 7:00 pm, Cambridge)
So wait a minute, you need to read the ENTIRE submission page? Leaving aside actually writing good stories, the more mundane aspects of writing can be bewildering. Our panelists will examine what bare-bones, stripped-to-the-frame advice might help novice writers avoid floundering as they look to share their work.

Nightstand Readings (Monday, 1:00 pm, Winthrop)
Come find the next title to set on your nightstand for your bedtime reading routine, with authors reading to you from their own original works of fantasy and science fiction.

Writers Assemble! Writing With a Group (Monday, 2:30 pm, Newbury)
Whether it's joining a local writing group, attending a workshop, or spending a month in a retreat, writers often gather together for support, feedback, and practice. What are some compelling reasons to join a writing group and what should writers know before they join? Panelists will share what's worked for them, and how to get the most out of a workshop or retreat.

Donald's Schedule

Where Shall We Begin? (Friday, 8:30 PM Cabot)
The easy answer on where to start a story is beginning the moment the conflict is introduced, but how do you know when that is? Answering this question, and whether or not to prologue, panelists will explore the unique challenge of starting a story in settings with thousands of different worlds, millennia of history, and dozens of characters.

Videogames for Tabletop Gamers (Sunday, 2:30 PM Franklin)
There is a lot more to electronic gaming than first-person shooters, but the field is a mystery to many enthusiastic board gamers. What sort of elements does a board gamer typically look for in a videogame? This panel will focus on experienced board gamers, who don't know as much about videogames, discussing what folks might find particularly fun.

Fantasy Reading (Monday, 10:00 AM Holmes)
Authors will be reading their own original fantasy works targeted towards the adult reader.

Writers Assemble! Writing with a Group (Monday, 2:30 pm, Newbury)
Whether it's joining a local writing group, attending a workshop, or spending a month in a retreat, writers often gather together for support, feedback, and practice. What are some compelling reasons to join a writing group and what should writers know before they join? Panelists will share what's worked for them, and how to get the most out of a workshop or retreat.

(Yes, Donald and Kristin are both on that last panel.)

We would love to see some of you there--please feel free to say hello if you see us wandering around or leaving a panel!

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